
Programming has not only been the primary facet of my studies in Computer Science, but has also been a distinct passion of mine ever since I started learning about it in middle school and high school. From developing games to creating parsers and interpreters, I've always been super interested in developing my own programs and creating awesome products for users.

Portfolio Website
Full-stack website showcasing my abilities/skills/projects.
A.K.A. the very site you're on right now! Created originally with raw HTML, CSS, and minimal JS, it was rebuilt from the ground up using a modern JS framework for ease of use, accessability, and server-side-rendering.
Tailwind CSS
Stevens M&T Website
Full-stack website serving as a hub for Stevens Music and Technology Students.
A hub website for Stevens Music and Technology students to connect with each other, listen to student bands and music, and find upcoming events and opportunities.
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Propositions LIVE
Java Application
Propositions Live is a program designed to parse, interpret, and evaluate logical propositions and propositional statements. Programmed in Java, it is designed to take in propositional statements from the user, and either detect and point out any syntax errors, or evaluate the given propositional statement.
Death Machine CPU
The Death Machine is a 16-bit ARMv8 CPU using C++ to parse assembly instructions & user-input as well as Logisim Evolution to simulate execution of the instructions. This project was created in conjunction with Clare O'Brien for our class in Computer Architecture and Organization.
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